How to Run A 5k At Home

Here are some simple ideas to give you the inspiration to workout at home by completing 5K from the comfort of your own space.

Coronavirus has hit the world and gyms have closed their doors so those who relied on them to keep fit are now struggling to find alternatives. Here are some simple ideas to give you the inspiration to workout at home by completing 5K from the comfort of your own space.

At Virtual Runner, we like to practice what we preach! Founder, Susan Wheatcroft has tried quite a few options over the past few weeks including a 5k in the living room and another 5k in the garden.

Susan’s tips are to get the family involved – perhaps they can join you? Or count your laps as if like me you’ll find it tough to keep count! Take it steady as there will be far more turns that you’re used to. Watch our for those hazards, for me it was pets and plant pots! But enjoy, take this as time out for you.

An obstacle course is an enjoyable, low cost creation that can be made using everyday household objects. The course could have checkpoints or hydration stations to remain motivated. This idea can allow you to run the desired distance whilst having fun without feeling like you’re having to force your mind and body to complete the exercise.

Alternatively, shuttle running can be adapted and set up to suit all abilities. They can be done simply by jogging from cone to cone or for a more advanced, intense workout sprinting can be introduced. High intensity training challenges you both mentally and physically whilst simultaneously building strength, cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Motivation is often the biggest challenge for those trying to keep fit whilst at home due to the distractions. YouTube has become a huge platform even more so amidst the global pandemic for fitness videos. Therefore, finding an instructor or programme that suits your individual requirements can be quickly found. The use of an interactive instructor means you are more likely to remain focused as they explain and talk to you throughout the duration of the workout. This is an ideal training method to increase motivation and will allow you to keep working until you have succeeded in your individual goals and targets.

Here are some tips for getting started as a beginner;

1. Start off slow- Do not try and exceed your limits too early. Slow and steady wins the race after all!

2. Gradually improve- Aim to increase your time or intensity of your workout as suited. This creates progressive overload for improvement.

3. Hydration- Keeping hydrated is vital especially when performing exercise

4. DO NOT compare yourself to others- Every runner has different targets and starting abilities. Stick to your targets and do not allow those around you to discourage your own progress.